Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships 2024/2025 [Fully Funded]


The Australian Government has been collaborating with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade towards the education and development of students from the Pacific region under the Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships.

It is an award that is only available to international students from countries of the Pacific Islands who wish to pursue different programs at various higher institutions in Australia, commencing 2024.

Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships 2024/2025 [Fully Funded]

The program, therefore, aims at alleviating these financial constraints by providing full funding, which caters for tuition fees, living expenses, travel, and other related costs—hence offering the able individuals in the Pacific an opportunity to tap into quality education opportunities available in Australia. T

his initiative consequently expands to benefit not only the individual scholarship recipients but also the general development and capacity-building efforts within the Pacific region.

This puts students at the ability to study in an environment quite diverse both academically and culturally, acquiring relevant skills and knowledge, and applying them back in their home countries upon completion of studies.

The program displays the commitment of Australia to strong partnership backing and the promotion of educational opportunities within the Pacific.

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DETAILS | Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships 2024

The Australian Awards Pacific Scholarships offer opportunity for study and research in Australian institutions to citizens from developing countries in the Pacific.

It is a scholarship designed to give beneficiaries knowledge and skills to be at the forefront in initiating development activities in their respective nations.

What is noticeably special about these scholarships, however, is their flexibility of time. They are normally granted for a minimum period of time necessary for one to complete his or her academic program.

Furthermore, preparatory programs can be included in the scholarship package, like English language tuition. Such preparatory programs do not normally last for a year and are aimed at providing recipients with the language ability and academic preparedness they require to perform excellently in the respective fields they will embark on.

Eligibility Criteria

These Australia Awards Pacific Scholarship eligibility conditions are a delineation of what an applicant must qualify or meet for consideration under the program:

  • Citizenship and Residency: An applicant shall be a citizen and a resident of any of the participating countries in the Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships.
  • Residence Status in Australia: The applicant should not be a permanent resident of Australia, and at the time of application, should have no intention to seek permanent residency. A person who is married to, or in a de facto relationship with an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident cannot apply; neither can someone who is engaged to, or intends to marry an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, unless their country of citizenship does not issue passports; that is, Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau.
  • Specific Country Eligibility Criteria: The applicant should meet the additional eligibility criteria that individual countries may attach.
  • Immigration Requirements: The applicants should be able to meet the Australian government’s immigration requirements for regional students.
  • No Other Scholarships: An applicant must not be holding another scholarship for the period that the Australia Awards Pacific Scholarship is to be awarded, nor may they be transferring from another scholarship.
  • Previous Australian Government Scholarship: Applicants cannot have held an Australian Government scholarship in the two years prior to the proposed time of commencement of the Australia Awards Pacific Scholarship.

Scholarship Benefits

The benefits provided to successful applicants of the Australia Awards Scholarships help support the awardees throughout their academic journey in Australia. Here is a summary of the typical benefits offered:

  • Return Airfare: Most awardees are entitled to a return airfare from their home country to Australia, which caters for travel expenses to and from the country of study.
    Academic and Compulsory Fees: The scholarships usually cover academic fees, which cater for tuition and other compulsory fees related to the course the recipient has chosen to study.
  • Settlement Allowance: A settlement allowance is provided to assist recipients in meeting the initial expenses related to settling in a new environment and living in Australia. This allowance covers accommodation expenses, purchases of textbooks, and other related expenses.
  • Living Allowance: The living allowance is normally paid to the recipient on a fortnightly basis to assist in meeting day-to-day living expenses, which include accommodation, food, transport, and other personal needs.

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Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: For an applicant to be eligible for the Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships, certain eligibility criteria have been imposed by the government of the applicant’s country of citizenship, which Applicants have to meet before proceeding to apply online for this opportunity.

Application Deadline: Not Specified

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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