
The UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) is pleased to announce the Commonwealth Masters Scholarships for the 2024-25 academic year. This fully funded scholarship opportunity is open to eligible individuals from Commonwealth countries who wish to pursue postgraduate studies in the United Kingdom.

Commonwealth Masters Scholarships 2024/2025 for Low-Income Countries

The scholarship allows students from low and middle income countries of commonwealth affiliation to enroll for a full-time Master’s taught program in the UK on full sponsorship. Students are usually picked through nominating bodies and are advised to follow instructions to apply.


apply for: Chevening Scholarships 2024 [Fully Funded] | Application Guide

Commonwealth Masters Scholarships 2024/2025 | DETAILS

The Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships, funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), aim to empower talented and motivated individuals to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for sustainable development.


These scholarships are designed for individuals who may not have the financial means to study in the UK otherwise. They are offered under six thematic areas, each focusing on different aspects of development:

  1. Science and Technology for Development:
    • This theme aims to support research and study in fields such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines, innovation, and technology transfer to address development challenges.
  2. Strengthening Health Systems and Capacity:
    • Scholarships under this theme focus on enhancing healthcare systems, building capacity in healthcare professionals, and addressing public health challenges, including disease prevention and healthcare delivery.
  3. Promoting Global Prosperity:
    • This theme emphasizes promoting economic development, entrepreneurship, trade, and investment to foster prosperity and sustainable economic growth in Commonwealth countries.
  4. Strengthening Global Peace, Security, and Governance:
    • Scholarships in this area support research and study related to peacebuilding, conflict resolution, governance, human rights, and international relations to promote stability and security globally.
  5. Strengthening Resilience and Response to Crises:
    • This theme focuses on building resilience to natural disasters, humanitarian crises, and other emergencies through research, policy development, and capacity-building initiatives.
  6. Access, Inclusion, and Opportunity:
    • Scholarships under this theme aim to promote access to education, social inclusion, and equal opportunities for all individuals, including marginalized groups, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented populations.

Eligibility Criteria

There are eligibility conditions applicants must meet to apply for the Commonwealth Masters Scholarships 2024/25 for Low Income Country Students to Study in UK ; To apply for these scholarships, you must:

  • Be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person
  • Be permanently resident in an eligible Commonwealth country
  • Be available to start your academic studies in the UK by the start of the UK academic year in September/October 2024
  • By September 2024, hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) honours standard, or a second class degree (2:2) and a relevant postgraduate qualification (usually a Master’s degree). The CSC would not normally fund a second UK Master’s degree. If you are applying for a second UK Master’s degree, you will need to provide justification as to why you wish to undertake this study
  • Be unable to afford to study in the UK without this scholarship
  • Have provided all supporting documentation in the required format
  • Candidates will need to present proof English Language ability.
  • The Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships are open to applicants from a wide range of Commonwealth countries. Here is the list of eligible countries:
    1. Antigua and Barbuda
    2. Bangladesh
    3. Belize
    4. Botswana
    5. Cameroon
    6. Dominica
    7. Eswatini (formerly Swaziland)
    8. Fiji
    9. Ghana
    10. Grenada
    11. Guyana
    12. India
    13. Jamaica
    14. Kenya
    15. Kiribati
    16. Lesotho
    17. Malawi
    18. Malaysia
    19. Mauritius
    20. Montserrat
    21. Mozambique
    22. Namibia
    23. Nauru
    24. Nigeria
    25. Pakistan
    26. Papua New Guinea
    27. Rwanda
    28. Samoa
    29. Sierra Leone
    30. Solomon Islands
    31. South Africa
    32. Sri Lanka
    33. St Helena
    34. St Lucia
    35. St Vincent and the Grenadines
    36. Tanzania
    37. The Gambia
    38. Tonga
    39. Tuvalu
    40. Uganda
    41. Vanuatu
    42. Zambia

Scholarship Value and Benefits

Each scholarship provides:

  • For each scholarship will be approved of an airfare from your home country to the UK and return ticket provided at the end of your award
  • There will be a fully funded approved tuition fees.
  • Stipend (living allowance) at the rate o £1,347 per month, or £1,652 per month for those at universities in the London metropolitan area.
  • Warm clothing allowance, where applicable Thesis grant towards the cost of preparing a thesis or dissertation, where applicable

Recommended: Tips on How to Apply for Commonwealth Scholarships

Application Deadline: 17 October, 2023

Application Procedures

Here are the Application procedures for the Commonwealth Masters Scholarships

1. Apply to CSC Online:

      • Use the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission’s (CSC) online application system to complete your application.
      • Ensure that you submit all required documents and information through the online portal.Review and Submit:
        • Review your application thoroughly to ensure accuracy and completeness.
        • Submit your application through the CSC’s online application system before the deadline.
  1. No Application Fee:
    • Note that the CSC does not charge any fees for applying for the scholarships through its online application system.

Visit the Official Website for Further Details


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