
The findings from the Nielsen report underscore the significant role that Black American audiences play in shaping the landscape of media consumption. The statistic of over 81 hours spent on media weekly reflects not only a substantial amount of time but also a heightened level of engagement compared to the general population.

Exploring Black America’s Media Engagement: Over 81 Hours a Week, Says Nielsen

Introduction to Black America’s Media Engagement

This increased engagement underscores a clear demand for media content that authentically represents Black identities and experiences. Across various platforms such as television, streaming services, and advertising, there is a growing recognition of the need for more diverse and inclusive storytelling.


By catering to this demand and ensuring better representation of Black voices and perspectives, media creators and companies have the opportunity to not only meet the needs of a key audience demographic but also contribute to a more equitable and inclusive media landscape overall. This shift towards greater diversity and representation has the potential to resonate not only with Black audiences but also with viewers from diverse backgrounds who seek more authentic and inclusive content.

Television and Streaming Services Engagement

Black adults watch TV 31.8% more than the general population, showing a significant disparity in media consumption habits. The desire for representation is evident as 43% of Black respondents from five countries express a need for more content that reflects their identity.


Furthermore, 73% of Black American audiences subscribe to three or more streaming services, indicating their quest for representative content. Despite this, there remains a gap in advertising, with 67% of Black audiences in the United States wishing for more representation of their identity group on TV.


Representation in Advertising

The sentiment that brands often portray Black people in a uniform manner is a significant concern within the advertising industry. This perception underscores the need for greater diversity and authenticity in advertising campaigns, as well as a deeper understanding of the varied experiences and identities within the Black community.

When advertising fails to accurately represent the diversity of Black experiences, it can perpetuate stereotypes and reinforce harmful narratives. By contrast, campaigns that celebrate the richness and complexity of Black identities not only resonate more deeply with audiences but also contribute to positive social change.


The report indicates a strong willingness among Black consumers to sever ties with brands that do not value their community, with 66% stating they would cut off brands that devalue their community. This underscores the importance of building trust and acknowledging the vastness of Black culture in marketing strategies.

Insights from Nielsen’s Diverse Intelligence Series Report

The Nielsen report delves into the influence and untapped potential of Black audiences in the media landscape. Covering countries like the U.S., Brazil, Nigeria, the U.K., and South Africa, it highlights how the African and Caribbean-born Black population growth in the United States is making Black media experiences more globalized.

Charlene Polite Corley, Vice President of Diverse Insights & Partnerships at Nielsen, emphasizes the diversity within Black culture and the importance of considering the global exchange of influence when engaging with Black audiences.

The Changing Landscape of News Consumption and Cable-Free Viewing

Black Millennials are leading a shift in how news is consumed, relying heavily on social media, YouTube, and cable TV for news content. This demographic’s skepticism toward the reliability of local TV news underscores the need for differentiation in journalism.

Moreover, the rise of broadband-only (BBO) TV homes and the popularity of free, ad-supported television (FAST) services among Black viewers indicate a significant trend toward cable-free content viewing.


The Nielsen report sheds light on the growing demand for more diverse and inclusive media content to engage Black America.

With the increasing influence of Black-created and Black-inclusive content, brands and programmers face the challenge of authentically representing the spectrum of African American traditions and perspectives. For more insights, the full report can be downloaded here. Join the conversation on LinkedIn, Facebook (Nielsen Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), and X (@Nielsen_DEI).


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