Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship 2024 for Developing Countries

The Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship 2024, which is for students from developing countries to pursue their tertiary education in New Zealand, is open for applications on 1st February 2024.

Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship 2024 for Students from Developing Countries

The New Zealand Scholarship Program is biased towards the education and training of citizens from developing countries to staddle them with new skills and knowledge to affect positive change and development in their respective countries.

They provide an opportunity for students to study in New Zealand institutions and attain relevant skills and experience.

Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships 2024 |Eligibility Criteria

A candidate applying for New Zealand Government Scholarship, 2024 shall have the following criteria for awarding scholarship:

  • The interested applicant has to be a citizen from any one of the eligible countries to apply for the New Zealand Government scholarship.
  • The applicants have to complete the online questionnaire to confirm eligibility. Examples of these questions are : which country you are a citizen of; how long you have lived in your home country; how much work experience you have; whether your country is on the list of the eligible countries for the scholarship.
  • The New Zealand Government scholarship requires that applicants be of 18 years of age or older before entering the scholarship.

Scholarship Benefits

  • Full tuition fees
  • Living allowance NZ$480 weekly.
  • Establishment allowance NZ$3000 for accommodation expenses, text books and study materials, medical and travel insurance, research and thesis assistance for many postgraduate research students.
  • Application Procedure

How to Apply for the New Zealand Government Scholarships 2024:

Applicants are to proceed to register for a New Zealand scholarship account if he/she is eligible. Applicants will be asked to register and therefore begin the registration process for New Zealand Scholarship Account.

Afterward, applicants can fill in their application and submit it before the application closing date.

Application Deadline: 29th February, 2024

Visit the Official Webpage for Details


PRAY THIS ALOUD: "Lord Jesus, i repent of my sins and surrender my life. Wash me clean. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That he died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day for my Victory, I believe that in my heart and make confession with my mouth, that Jesus is my Savior and Lord. I receive eternal life, in Jesus name, Amen."

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