
I’m pleased and proud to have been part of Triple-I’s Town Hall — “Attacking the Risk Crisis” — in Washington, D.C.

In an intimate setting at the Mayflower Hotel on November 30, 120-plus attendees got to hear from experts representing insurance, government, academia, nonprofits, and other stakeholder groups on climate risk, what’s being done to address it, and what remains to be done.



The inaugural Triple-I Town Hall seems to have been a dynamic and insightful event, tackling critical issues surrounding the perception and management of risks within the insurance industry. The emphasis on shifting from reactive approaches to proactive strategies in addressing risks appears to be a central theme, reflecting a broader trend toward prevention and resilience-building.

The lineup of moderators and panelists from diverse backgrounds and expertise likely provided a comprehensive view of the challenges and potential solutions. It’s encouraging to see such collaboration among industry leaders, academics, and policymakers, as evidenced by the participation of figures from institutions like Colorado State University, Marsh McLennan, and FEMA.


The structured format of the event, with focused discussions on climate risk, innovation, and regulatory challenges, seems to have facilitated meaningful dialogue and actionable insights. And the decision to take the Town Hall on the road, with plans for local and regional events, suggests a commitment to continued engagement and community involvement.



Climate risk encompasses a range of potential impacts and challenges stemming from climate change, including extreme weather events, rising sea levels, shifts in temperature and precipitation patterns, and the resulting impacts on ecosystems, economies, and societies. These risks pose significant challenges for various sectors, including but not limited to insurance, agriculture, infrastructure, and public health.

In the context of the insurance industry, climate risk manifests in several ways:

  1. Increased Frequency and Severity of Natural Disasters: Climate change is contributing to more frequent and intense extreme weather events such as hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and droughts. These events can lead to substantial property damage, business interruption, and loss of life, resulting in significant financial liabilities for insurers.
  2. Changing Risk Profiles: Climate change alters the risk profiles of insured assets and liabilities. For instance, rising sea levels increase the exposure to coastal properties, while changes in precipitation patterns may affect agriculture and water resources, leading to shifts in insurance demand and pricing.
  3. Long-Term Liability: Insurers face long-term liability associated with climate-related risks, including potential impacts on health and mortality, liability claims related to climate-related damages, and regulatory changes aimed at mitigating climate risks.
  4. Transition Risks: Insurers also face risks associated with the transition to a low-carbon economy. This includes regulatory changes, technological advancements, and shifts in consumer preferences that could affect the value of investments, underwriting practices, and the overall financial performance of insurers.

Addressing climate risk requires a multifaceted approach involving risk assessment, mitigation, adaptation, and resilience-building efforts.

Insurers play a crucial role in this process by incorporating climate risk considerations into their underwriting, pricing, and investment decisions, promoting risk reduction measures among policyholders, and advocating for policies that support climate resilience and sustainability.


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