10 Things You Must Do To Win Your First Scholarship


Among the options of financing college studies, winning a scholarship is certainly very competitive and convenient. Scholarships are gift money, while loans have to be repaid.

Here at studygreen.info, we understand just how overwhelming this process must be for you. That is why we have put together these 10 best tips to guide you through not just applying but also to win scholarships.

10 Things You Must Do to Win Your First Scholarship

Tuition fees are skyrocketing, and the demand for scholarships has become even higher. Roughly three in four graduates are walking away with more than $40,000 of debt, which is repaid, on average, in many years. If you want to avoid that, then the best possible action will be to apply to as many scholarships as possible—that is, laying your eggs in many baskets. Let’s dive in.

Things You Most Do To Win Your First Scholarship


Before you try to convince a scholarship committee that you merit a scholarship, you have to convince yourself first. Identify your strengths and weaknesses: be realistic, but optimistic. Recap your academic achievements, extra-curricular activities, and think about your long-term goals. To stand out in the crowd, get a clear answer to these questions: What would winning this scholarship do for you? How will you utilize those opportunities to make a positive difference in your world? Make sure this shines through in your written essays. Scholarship committees are more likely to invest in a powerful story than in a shiny GPA and loads of extra-curriculars.


I told you; you need to start putting all your eggs in different baskets. Let’s be honest. Scholarships are a numbers’ game. You are never going to ace every one of them, but through repeated, consistent effort, you are likely to win a good percentage of those that you do apply for. If you are eligible for a scholarship, apply without additional questions or doubts. Some of the scholarships are not so great or prestigious, but applying for them will give you chances to win more money, decreasing the out-of-pocket cost for your/your child’s degree. Always remember that you can cover tuition fees and living expenses not only with one, but with multiple scholarships. Never assume that your scholarship amount is too little; they can still cover your textbooks, rent, and other expenses.


Remember, you don’t have to go through the process alone. If and when you need help, request it. Many colleges offer consultations about scholarship opportunities; inquire at the school or in your community. In this way, you will get some great information and some help.

Also, do not feel afraid to ask for a morale boost. Applying for college scholarships can be a stressful process and the people in your life can help you stay motivated. There are also several student clubs online clubs, and various social media platform that can help and give a person encouragement as one navigates this scholarship application process. They can share information about scholarship opportunities as well as provide friendly comfort.


We live in the digital age when even your social media profile photo can reveal a lot about yourself. Your social media profiles must mirror the values and views you have expressed in essays before their submission. Many college scholarships are asking for links to social media, and many committee members get a composite view of what they obtain in your social media profile. You can use your social media accounts to your advantage and create a good impression.

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This would appear to be obvious, but you might be surprised! Make sure to read the instructions carefully before you begin filling out your application. Don’t presume you already know what to do.

Do your research! Yes, we know it is tiring and long, but trust us, it’s worth it! Learn what type of scholarships will fit your interests and background. Then look for options online. Note that there are plenty of scholarships based on gender, academic achievements, special skills and talents, ethnicity, etc. There are college scholarships fitted for very specific talents and interests and you might be suited for those opportunities. Match your skill set and advantages, if you are aware of them, with the scholarships you apply for to increase the chances.


Answer every question. If a question doesn’t apply, don’t leave the answer field blank. Write “N/A” in the field, or, if the reason the question doesn’t apply isn’t obvious, include the reason.


A strong essay is going to be personal, authentic, and specific. Add concrete details to bring your experience to life. The most mundane of experiences could be monumental if you truthfully present exactly how this event or experience affected you.

This is one of the most difficult parts of the scholarship process. In your essays, you do not want to state the obvious, but you really do want to show the committee what your goals and aspirations are. This is where you’ll get to share the narrative you created for yourself.

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Put everything the application asks for, but don’t supply things that aren’t requested — you could be disqualified.

We cannot think of anything more essential to any student’s overall success than simple, effective methods for keeping themselves organized. We recommend that you create a scholarship to-do list for keeping yourselves organized. Monitor which scholarship needs which document and make sure you’re not missing anything. This is where so many students, and their parents, get bogged down.

To keep you on track, enforce your own deadline that is at least two weeks before the actual deadline except for programs with shorter notices. Use the perfect time to ensure everything is set on time and you don’t rush through an application. Do not bank on extensions — very few scholarship providers allow them at all.


Keeping track of the numerous scholarship and funding programs can be a challenge, and to help with that, you can develop a Scholarship Calendar.


  • Practice answering these questions out loud, either by yourself or with a friend or family member.
  • Record yourself answering the questions and review the recording for areas of improvement.
  • Dress professionally for the interview, even if it is online. Put on decent attire that speaks of professionalism.
  • Good postures, eye contact, and confident air during the interview will be a plus.
    Research the organization awarding the scholarship: learn their mission, values, and successes.

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