Government of Canada International Scholarships 2024/25 at the University of Alberta


The Government of Canada has in place several scholarship awards that benefit international students who may wish to pursue an education, research, or professional development in Canada.

These scholarships are offered on a short-term basis for studies and academic pursuits; they offer excellent prospects to students and professionals from around the globe.

Government of Canada International Scholarship Awards at University of Alberta, 2024/25

The Canadian Government has various scholarships open to international students at the University of Alberta, with financial support based on duration and level of study.

Some include Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program, Canada-ASEAN Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development SEED, Study in Canada Scholarships.

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Government of Canada International Scholarships 2024/25 | DETAILS

The Government of Canada offers many scholarship awards to international students who wish to undertake specific study, research, or professional development opportunities in Canada on a short-term basis. These scholarships are offered to various target regions as well as academic levels. This can make it possible for students to explore Canadian education and culture.

Scholarship Programs

Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program:

Target Group: Undergraduate and graduate students from the Caribbean and South America.

Purpose: To assist in the development of human capital and the next generation of leaders in the Americas, besides contributing to the strengthening of relations between Canada and the region.

Duration: Minimum: one semester with a possibility of a one-time extension of up to three semesters.

Canada-ASEAN Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development (SEED):

  • Target Group: Undergraduate and graduate students from ASEAN countries.
  • Purpose: To support development and poverty reduction in the member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and to further Canada’s relations with the region.
  • Duration: Minimum duration of studies or research.

Study in Canada Scholarships:

  • Target Group: Students from around the world.
  • Purpose: The fellowships allow students from various countries and regions of the world to undertake studies and/or research at a Canadian post-secondary academic institution.

Undergraduate and graduate students from:

  • Asia: Bangladesh, Nepal, Taiwan;
  • Europe: Turkey, Ukraine;
  • The Middle East and North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia;
  • Sub-Saharan Africa: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda.

These scholarships have different values depending on the duration and level of study pursued. The scholarship values for various programs are summarized as indicated below in table :

Award Amount Duration Level of Study Program
$15,900 CAD 8 months Undergraduate SEED, Study in Canada Scholarships
$12,700 CAD 5-6 months Graduate SEED, Study in Canada Scholarships
$11,100 CAD 5-6 months Graduate ELAP
$10,200 CAD 4 months Undergraduate; Graduate SEED, Study in Canada Scholarships
$8,200 CAD 4 months Undergraduate; Graduate ELAP


Eligibility Criteria

The University of Alberta will consider all eligible prospective students for the Government of Canada International Scholarship awards in the 2024/25 academic year who meet the following eligibility criteria.

Eligibility Criteria Undergraduate Applicants; Research-Based Experience: Applicants must provide either: A written institutional collaboration and student exchange agreement, or A Letter of Invitation from a University of Alberta professor who has agreed to supervise the applicant.

1. Graduate Applicants:

Inter-Institutional Agreement: While desirable, an inter-institutional agreement is not mandatory.

2. Enrollment Status:

Applications must be sent while candidates are full-time registered in their graduate degree program of intended study.

3. Proficiency in Languages:

Applicants must demonstrate an adequate level of language proficiency in either English or French, which are the languages of instruction at the University of Alberta, before relocating to Canada. The scholarship does not allow for language training.

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested applicants for the Government of Canada Scholarships 2024/25 at the University of Alberta should first ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria for the scholarship. They are then to find a potential host professor/supervisor. Email the professors you would potentially like to work with, using the following information:

  • Your full name and contact information
  • Your home University and home country
  • Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student at present
    Your degree year
  • The full name of the scholarship program to which you would apply
  • How long you would like to research
  • Your ideal start date

Document information: Additional requirements include a CV/Resume, university academic transcripts, and/or a covering letter.

Application Deadline: Not specified

Visit the Official Website for Further Details

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